Waiting for Inspiration

I put a little star next to friends emails that I mean to get back to with lengthy responses describing my life in just such a way that illuminates and entertains while showing the depth of my thought and purpose. The little star migrates downward, shooting towards the next page of my Inbox, the Older, then Oldest, as emails from Verizon and Washington Mutual (is becoming Chase) pile on top and smother the glimmering immediacy of that little yellow icon.

I put off emailing back because I am too tired or too uninspired to write a really good email.
Or too grumpy.
Or its too early in the morning to think.
Or I need to go to bed.
Or I'm hungry and crumbs will definitely ruin my keyboard if I multitask.
And then the star gets lost on the Newer (not Newest) page and I curse when I see it even though all I really want to do is sit down and talk and laugh and sip wine and dream with that person that is hiding behind the email address.

And so that's what I end up writing that "we'll catch up when we see each other." Or I give a lengthy but generally uninteresting explanation as to my delay for writing back but don't really have much to say beyond I've Been Busy.

So Have You, right?

But you managed to write me.

And so I erase the email and that star stares at me for another week until one day I do yoga. Or am inspired by a bunch of wildflowers in a blue striped fabric covered vase. Or smell the salt water shimmery and glassy down the hill and think of you and that time...

Then I sit down. Breathe. And Type.

(same goes for Blogs. OMG- I am soooo sorry for the delay. I've Been Busy...)
