Today I:
Saw raw deer meat on a slab next to coconut oil (bought the latter, not the former)
Walked through an awesome open air market in Belize City drooling over fresh tomatoes and sugar cane
Bought corn tortillas and a seaweed drink that tasted like milk and cinnamon that is supposed to make my bones strong but according to a local may have a different, more exciting effect on men
Ate corn porridge scooped out of a cooler- absolutely delicious
Wandered through downtown Belize City and bought herbs from the rainforest to heal
Drank Belikin on the way to the country
Zip lined through a jungle canopy
Saw a tarantula
Drank rum punch
Ate termites from a nest- minty and cedar like- almost better than the after dinner fennel anise mix you get at Indian restaurants
Jumped into a crystal clear freshwater pool surrounded by palm fronds and pocked caves
Drifted on intertubes through a couple of miles of caverns boasting stalactites in the frequent forms of faces and cocks (as my dear fellow crew member put it), a proliferation of insect bats, and rocky patches in the river that spurned the guide to yell, "Butt up!" and if it was really shallow, "Butt up extreme!"
Drank more Rum punch
Drove through the countryside inhaling the fumes of burning trash which always reminds (and comforts) me I am no longer in the US.
Indulged in a pina colada and burger at the dockside bar.
Jumped in an inflatable, got soaked on the way back to the boat, and thought, "Man, I am the luckiest chick ever."