My relationship with SD
Going away and coming back, going away again and coming back again.
Repeat about three dozen times and that is my somewhat dysfunctional relationship with San Diego.
So while SD and I are still on good terms, let me count thy attributes whilst I still adore thee...
1. I absolutely despise it when people from away hear the words "San Diego" and immediately say, "Oh my god, you just have the perfect weather don't you?" But you know what, I have to agree. Yup, after spending the first part of the summer on the East Coast from (way too) sunny Florida to blistering New York, I have to say coming to San Diego was like stepping out of a sauna into a dry cool dream. So yes America, San Diego does have the perfect weather.
If you like 75 degrees and sunny.
Which I do right now.
2. Another thing I hate to admit to: There is a certain freedom that we normally carless or public transit types rarely experience (and which I will want to kill myself for in about a month)- driving alone, blasting the music on the freeway. Headed to the beach I feel like I'm 16 again but my old fiberglass surfboard is long gone and my skin is way too damaged now to lay on the sand. But I'm still headed to the beach and Blink 182 or Greenday are perfect to sing along to on my short ride to the shore. Windows down, hair tangling in the breeze.
Awe. Some.
3. Guys with shorts, a hoodie, a baseball cap, socks and Vans. And a soul patch. On anywhere from a skinny 20 year old to a 50 year old with little hoodie wearing kids. Nowhere else can this scream skater cool like it does in southern California. When I see this uniform I know I'm in the city where I grew up.
4. Mexican food.
yes its so cal mex. whatever. a bean and cheese burrito that would feed two families for three bucks. um, bring on the lard.
5. The Ocean.
sit stare breathe repeat.
6. Farms.
in San Diego. I've pulled shallots and admired kohlrabi. that's just so far.
pure freaking heaven.
&. Cool people whom I never really noticed before. (not counting my amazing friends here)
and I'm not talking frat boys on Garnet. I'm talking people my own age with sun stains and soul who choose to live the SoCa life I always thought was a waste of time. Whats wrong with enjoying the sun and sea and locally microbrewed IPAs huh? For so long I was running away from the chill of SD that's in my blood. Although I still have a lot of ambition and a lot on my "list," I've realized that "just being" is just as important as any "list." I look forward to meeting lots of you "just beings."
So that's my short list for now.
Cheers San Diego.
Glad to know ya.
Glad to be back.
Let's play nice now shall we?
Repeat about three dozen times and that is my somewhat dysfunctional relationship with San Diego.
So while SD and I are still on good terms, let me count thy attributes whilst I still adore thee...
1. I absolutely despise it when people from away hear the words "San Diego" and immediately say, "Oh my god, you just have the perfect weather don't you?" But you know what, I have to agree. Yup, after spending the first part of the summer on the East Coast from (way too) sunny Florida to blistering New York, I have to say coming to San Diego was like stepping out of a sauna into a dry cool dream. So yes America, San Diego does have the perfect weather.
If you like 75 degrees and sunny.
Which I do right now.
2. Another thing I hate to admit to: There is a certain freedom that we normally carless or public transit types rarely experience (and which I will want to kill myself for in about a month)- driving alone, blasting the music on the freeway. Headed to the beach I feel like I'm 16 again but my old fiberglass surfboard is long gone and my skin is way too damaged now to lay on the sand. But I'm still headed to the beach and Blink 182 or Greenday are perfect to sing along to on my short ride to the shore. Windows down, hair tangling in the breeze.
Awe. Some.
3. Guys with shorts, a hoodie, a baseball cap, socks and Vans. And a soul patch. On anywhere from a skinny 20 year old to a 50 year old with little hoodie wearing kids. Nowhere else can this scream skater cool like it does in southern California. When I see this uniform I know I'm in the city where I grew up.
4. Mexican food.
yes its so cal mex. whatever. a bean and cheese burrito that would feed two families for three bucks. um, bring on the lard.
5. The Ocean.
sit stare breathe repeat.
6. Farms.
in San Diego. I've pulled shallots and admired kohlrabi. that's just so far.
pure freaking heaven.
&. Cool people whom I never really noticed before. (not counting my amazing friends here)
and I'm not talking frat boys on Garnet. I'm talking people my own age with sun stains and soul who choose to live the SoCa life I always thought was a waste of time. Whats wrong with enjoying the sun and sea and locally microbrewed IPAs huh? For so long I was running away from the chill of SD that's in my blood. Although I still have a lot of ambition and a lot on my "list," I've realized that "just being" is just as important as any "list." I look forward to meeting lots of you "just beings."
So that's my short list for now.
Cheers San Diego.
Glad to know ya.
Glad to be back.
Let's play nice now shall we?