Open hands
I am still tumbling through the emotions of the sea, the water within trembling and salty. Land under my feet feels less grounded than the ocean under flexing limbs.
I have shifted, I am shifting, I will shift and its hard to tell if there is a moment without such movement. What is stability? What is the opposite of change? Stagnation does not appeal but the notion of forever flowing downstream, forks, branches, boulders challenging the way, is daunting. Where is my compass? Where are my oars in this corporal raft of mine? I know they are somewhere close by but the turbulence shakes them out of my grasp.
Then I realize:
my hands are clenched, unable to hold anything.
I relax, think on the perfection of the stars and the wind over white-horsed water, the intimacy of palm to palm and the heart fluttering capacity of sideways glances. I think on years remembered and savored with knowing souls (ghosts are real too) and lush green veins in perfect oak leaves.
My hands open, ready to hold it all.
We are love, we are change, we are flowing in the eternal.
We are the city and sea, we are the salt and wind.
We are.