Letting Go of Before This Now

I untie the drawstrings and shake out the dreams (one by one). 
A series of soft thumps on the bedroom floor. 
They look so naked and unkept in their unwrapped state. 
Like baby possums, eyes shining, teeth bared, squirming on the cold tile. 

I pick them up (one by one) cradle them in my hands, sing songs of grief and longing, whisper of love and wonder. Into dust the dreams dissolve (one by one). 
Empty palms, the soft fur of hope and memories falling between outstretched fingers. I inhale, purse my lips, blow into the nothing that was never more than a slippery thought.

I shake out the old promises next (one by one) and they slink away, knowing of my resolve, knowing of their fate. 

I fill the velvety chambers of my heart with the Now and tuck it back in between waiting ribs. 
The room is quiet and empty. 
My mind dons a top hat and lays out a welcome mat for my heart. There is dancing to do in All This Space between the words and sighs, All This Time between the blood beats and synapse firings. 

Can you hear the music? That is my body singing in the elegantly autonomous and forever amorphous edge of the ocean’s arms in the very second where we stand, drawstrings undone and blowing in the salty wind. 
It is all breath and freedom. 
It is all shadow and release.
