Ocean Wings
Ocean stretches salty paws to the horizon, a
fur of seaweed and sunken shells deep in the hide.
Land growls in the absence and claws at my back, drawing my thoughts to marshy fields and jagged tree trunks searching for blue sky through a tangled pelt of clouds.
Land growls in the absence and claws at my back, drawing my thoughts to marshy fields and jagged tree trunks searching for blue sky through a tangled pelt of clouds.
Time twists and
breaks, flexes like the bow of this pummeled boat.
I strain my dreams through the sieve of stars overhead and what falls remains to be slumbered upon.
I strain my dreams through the sieve of stars overhead and what falls remains to be slumbered upon.
in my hands the wings of a fish tremble and push, a curve pressing into the
palms behind bloody knuckles as translucent bones shift and spread. A gasp
and release, a shriek and a sigh. Into the water into the night we move forward
together in leaps and glides and a jauntiness I never knew I held. You teach me
I wipe the sun streaks from my eyes and let the moon wash over me its
secret language of reflection, illumination from source unseen. The song has
just begun in the quiet of the dark and I hold the notes between waves, between
screaming gusts, between fingers that can no longer grasp this place.
understand each other: the dive and flight, the relinquishment of time and
holding of grace. Fins and feet, whale jaws and rhubarb roots. None of it makes
sense until I stand (swim) in the middle of it all and let it go. You (I)
tumble back into the blackness, trusting whatever is after you (me) drives us
forward and calls us to the slippery descent back Home.