
My friend recently told me his mom keeps a journal of all the things she is thankful for in her life. Everyday she writes something. Which seems simple to say but in reality, when things seem so complicated and dark and confusing at times, can be really difficult. But there is always something...
So tonight, in the quiet of my room, this is what I am thankful for:
Friends- how incredibly lucky am I to have friends who care what I have to say, how I feel, what I am doing. I have friends all around the world to call and email and visit and sit with drinking tea or whiskey or both, talking about our lives and hopes and dreams and the fact that we are getting older and are excited and sometimes terrified about all the changes and rearranged plans and dreams that we once had and have and will have in five ten twenty years when we will once again sit around having tea and whiskey (in smaller portions maybe? or larger?) and talking about how things used to be and how they are and will be. How amazing are these connections, these threads interweaving and straying and mingling once again.
A beautiful place to live, all the places I have been and experienced and left and all the places I wish to go see. This world expanding and contracting with billions of inhales and exhales.
Health to run and walk and breathe and be.
Love and passion and light and clouds and rosemary growing in my window.
Nourishing food and fruit laced wine and music rising up from the darkness.
Trees ablaze in orange and red and crisp fall air and pumpkin patches and films that make me cry and soft couches and dolphins at the bow and running on dirt paths and laughing in the night and wooden bowls and clear blue water above my head and a pen heavy in the hand.
This list is just beginning.
There's always a beginning, terrifying rebirths, small and large deaths, candles flickering in and out. There's always something to live for, be thankful for, be content with.
Easier said than done? Or easier just to do.