And I am ready to discard.
Get naked, get raw, shed the shackles of 'things' in my life.
Every day for 100 days I am going to give away, donate, trash, recycle one thing on my shelves, in my closet, in my life.
Like the song, I'm traveling light. Or hope to be. Or will be.
So far:
Size 2 and too big. Ha! I love Old Navy think-of-yourself-as-skinny sizing. I wore this to a rehearsal dinner in the Bay Area.
A too big for me windbreaker that I never use. Except when it's raining. And it's a windbreaker, not a rain breaker, so I get soaked.
"Stuff" catalogs. I could order mugs, t-shirts, blazers, pens, and parkas with my own logo emblazoned. Just what I need.
A kerchief. Who wears kerchiefs anymore?
A t shirt with Dodge Morgan's sailboat American Promise on it. I have two more. That I am keeping. (for now)
A cute retro dress from J's Gran's closet. She had awesome taste, but she also had a lot of clothes and now so do I. Have clothes that is, not necessarily the taste.
Another Gran hand me down.
Get naked, get raw, shed the shackles of 'things' in my life.
Every day for 100 days I am going to give away, donate, trash, recycle one thing on my shelves, in my closet, in my life.
Like the song, I'm traveling light. Or hope to be. Or will be.
So far:
Size 2 and too big. Ha! I love Old Navy think-of-yourself-as-skinny sizing. I wore this to a rehearsal dinner in the Bay Area.
"Stuff" catalogs. I could order mugs, t-shirts, blazers, pens, and parkas with my own logo emblazoned. Just what I need.
A kerchief. Who wears kerchiefs anymore?
A cute retro dress from J's Gran's closet. She had awesome taste, but she also had a lot of clothes and now so do I. Have clothes that is, not necessarily the taste.
Another Gran hand me down.