Seeing the light

I had a friend walk in the door today as I roasted acorn squash and poured maple syrup on sizzling brussel sprouts and cauliflower. My friend stood at the counter and soon we started talking about the future and I said I wasn't sure what I was going to do next and she said with a direct look, (pause) you're staying on the island.
She proceeded to tell me (she sees/senses/knows things I say with weight) where I would live and where I would work and instead of being a relief I felt the anxiety and denial crawl up my throat and splotch my face red and make me wonder what I was hiding from or running to because that was not in my plan. My could-be-maybes. My I-shoulds.
I felt my heels dig in and my face drop.
Is it the path of least resistance?
But maybe even with sight/sense/knowledge maybe she doesn't know the answer. Or maybe that is just one answer. Or maybe that is the answer right now in my soul but not tomorrow.
Or vice versa.
Or vice versa.

Most of the time I wish for someone to walk in the door and tell me what I am meant to do and I will have an aha! moment and the light shines down from above and all is good and meaningful.

But what happens when I don't I see the light?

or is that the problem...
