Many reasons

I was wandering through Publix the other day searching for vitamins, feeling achy and old. I was in the produce section after an unsuccessful hunt and passed a young boy of six or seven with dark skin and bright eyes. Those eyes caught mine and I smiled. And he smiled back the friendliest, most genuinely open smile I have seen in rememberable time. I left the store grinning and wishing that everyone I passed on the street could return that same smile. Then remembered that I have to start it.

I met with a friend for dinner. I haven't seen her in at least six years but it didn't matter. She and her man amazed me with their calm warmth and peace and knowledge of a bar with delicious mahi mahi Reuben sandwiches. It took a while to get caught up on comings and goings, then we got into the what we believe ins. Over kava we mellowed and laughed and shared. She insisted on lending me a book. I know there will be at least one sentence in that book that will make me gasp and wonder how she knew this was the book I needed in this moment.

I found a posting for yoga on the gym wall. My mind was racing when I began the class, convinced I'd be bored with the pace. Then I started breathing, relaxing, stretching those aching muscles and massaging those abused organs. Slowing my whirring mind. It was exactly the class I needed. Slow down, breathe, feel.

The signs, the people, the reasons are there. It's just a matter of opening and accepting them.
